Who Is a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

Many people tend to have self-confidence and body insecurity issues due to certain parts of their bodies they consider unattractive. This is the main reason why cosmetic surgery procedures are so popular today. But undergoing a cosmetic procedure is a huge decision that you should take seriously. 

Essentially, you will be permanently altering your body. You also need to understand that the effects of most cosmetic procedures are not just physical. If you are thinking about having any kind of cosmetic surgery, you need to prepare yourself for possible emotional effects.   

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a highly individualized cosmetic procedure. In the United States, cosmetic surgeons perform hundreds of thousands of nose jobs every year. This makes many people assume that anyone can undergo this procedure. Mostly, this may be true; however, certain factors can make you ineligible for nose surgery.

The purpose of a nose job is to modify the shape or size of a patient’s nose to achieve the desired functionality and appearance. Cosmetic surgeons combine the art and science of nose surgery to give their patients lasting and effective results. They do so by modifying the nose’s cartilage or bone for either corrective or aesthetic reasons, or both.

Reasons to Get a Nose Job

According to statistics, rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the United States. Cosmetic surgeons customize the procedure according to the unique desires and needs of each patient. 

You may get a nose job to improve the appearance of your nose, correct breathing problems, repair a nose injury, or fix a birth defect. Some of the changes your cosmetic surgeon may make to your nose through a nose job include:

  • Changing the size.

  • Straightening the bridge.

  • Narrowing the nostrils.

  • Reshaping the tip.

  • Changing the angle.

Factors to Consider Before Getting a Nose Job

This procedure can either be non-surgical or surgical. Choosing whether to have a nose job will depend on your individual goals and needs. Depending on your reasons for having rhinoplasty, you need to understand what it entails, the recovery process, and the risks involved. 

Other important factors to consider are your mental and physical health. To undergo any surgical procedure, you need to be physically healthy to reduce the risk of complications. You also need to be psychologically healthy to understand the consequences of your choice and have realistic expectations. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Most people can safely get a nose job, but certain factors will determine whether one is a good candidate. You may be a good candidate for a nose job if you have the following characteristics:

  • You are physically and psychologically healthy.

  • You have well-adjusted and reasonable expectations.

  • You are unhappy with the size and/or shape of your nose.

  • You have a fully-developed nasal bone structure.

  • You do not smoke.

  • You have a nasal deformity that needs correcting.

  • You are the right age.

  • You do not have any allergies and medical conditions that may lead to complications.

Bad Candidates

You may not be a good candidate for a nose job or any other kind of cosmetic surgery if you have a serious health condition. This includes a bleeding disorder, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or depression. Also, if you drink too much alcohol or smoke, you may not be a good candidate. 

To learn more about the rhinoplasty procedure, visit Texas Plastic Surgery at our office in San Antonio, Texas. You can call 210-981-4490 today to schedule an appointment.


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