What to Expect Three Weeks After Liposuction

What to Expect Three Weeks After Liposuction

What to Expect Three Weeks After Liposuction

What to Expect Three Weeks After Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Millions of people have benefited from the way it helps get rid of stubborn fat. Liposuction helps sculpt and contour the body, permanently removing fat cells. 


Recovering from surgery is different from one patient to the next. Therefore, it is helpful to find out what to expect three weeks after liposuction. 


The Liposuction Procedure


There are different liposuction techniques, but surgeons recommend the best one based on a patient's desired goals and body type. During liposuction, the surgeon makes small incisions in the treatment area.


The surgeon inserts a thin cannula into the incisions and injects epinephrine and lidocaine to reduce bleeding, swelling, and pain. They then insert another cannula to remove fluid and fat, closing the incision before sending the patient to recover.


The Recovery Process 


Liposuction is an outpatient procedure, so you may be able to go home the same day. But if you require fat removal in several areas or significant fat removal, you may require an overnight stay. 


You will be groggy and sore soon after the procedure, but these are residual effects of the pain medication or anesthesia. The effects are temporary, but you should get someone to drive you home after the liposuction. 


The First Three Days 


Soreness and moderate pain characterize the first three days after liposuction. The surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage the discomfort. You will need to wear a compression garment or bandages around the area. They will help reduce swelling and enhance the new body shape. 


The surgeon may insert small drains at the treatment sites to prevent fluid buildup around the incisions. The surgeon will teach you how to care for them. It is vital to limit activity and unnecessary movement during the first days after liposuction. 


The First Two Weeks


Get someone to help you around the house during the recovery period. After the first days of rest, you will experience a reduction in soreness and pain. You will continue to wear the compression garment for weeks after the procedure. You should only remove the garment to shower. 


Most people can return to work two weeks after liposuction. However, you should avoid strenuous or physically demanding activities for the first two weeks. 


Three Weeks After Liposuction


After three weeks, you should not be experiencing any pain, and you should be able to see visible results. However, you may still have some swelling that can take two to five months to subside completely. 


The results will continue to improve as the bruising and swelling continue to reduce. You can resume some light exercises by the fourth week, but you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous workouts. 


Important Recovery Tips


There are things that you can do to recover faster from liposuctions. They include eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, resting as much as possible, and taking short walks. Ask for help running errands, especially if you have young children.


Liposuction will help you feel better about your appearance. Having a well-contoured body can help boost your confidence. You need to have realistic expectations before you get the procedure, and talking to a board-certified plastic surgeon will help. 


For more on what to expect three weeks after liposuction, call Dr. Andrew Friedman at (210) 934-8400 to reach our office in San Antonio, Texas.


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