What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Facelift?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Facelift?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Facelift?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Facelift?


A facelift is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenating your facial features, turning back the signs of aging by eliminating lines, wrinkles, folds, and sagging. While it’s important to make sure that all surgeries are performed safely and to the highest standards, this is especially important when it comes to your face since it is difficult to hide it if something goes wrong. Nevertheless, there are many patients each year that undergo facelift surgery, only to experience problems or to be unhappy with the results. These ‘bad’ facelifts can have drastic consequences for their confidence and self-esteem, and sometimes even for their health. 


What is a ‘Bad’ Facelift?


There are numerous different things that can cause a patient to feel dissatisfied with their facelift. However, there are some tell-tale signs that are particularly obvious signs that a facelift has been performed without the greatest degree of skill or care. These include the following:


Visible Scarring


Any good surgeon will make the effort to minimize scarring as much as possible no matter what procedure you are having. However, this is particularly important when you are having surgery on your face since scarring can be tricky to hide. A skilled surgeon will be able to create incisions that are entirely invisible or at least barely detectable once healed. Any visible scarring is a sign of a bad facelift. 


Pulled, elongated ears

Part of a facelift involves pulling the skin backward and upwards in the same sort of trajectory that the ears take. However, if the skin is pulled too tight and there is too much tension, or if too much excess skin is cut away, the ears could look pulled, elongated, or like they have been fused to the jawline. These are all signs that the facelift hasn’t been performed to a high standard.


Changed sideburns


Nearly everyone has sideburns. This is hair that comes down slightly in front of the ear. Since some of the incisions used in facelifts are made in this area, surgeons should take extra care to ensure that they don’t change the position of the sideburns as this will make it obvious that you have undergone facelift surgery. 


Tight skin that is hard to move


Although the aim of a facelift is to make the skin tighter and smoother, an inexperienced or unskilled surgeon could end up pulling the skin too tight before securing it. This can drastically alter your appearance, making it very clear that you have undergone surgery which is something which many people are keen to avoid. It can also make your face very uncomfortable and even painful. 


Medical Complications of a Bad Facelift


In some instances, there are signs of a bad facelift even before the results of the procedure are visible. These usually involve medical complications that are associated with the procedure or healing process and can include:

  • An accumulation of fluid in the face

  • Prolonged swelling

  • Infection 

  • Facial nerve injury

  • Skin discoloration

  • Skin necrosis


What Can I Do if I Have Had a Bad Facelift?


Fortunately, bad facelifts can often be corrected in a procedure that is known as facelift revision surgery. This can only be performed once your face is fully healed and you have recovered from your original procedure – and this is usually a minimum of 6 months from the date of your first surgery. 


Since every facelift revision is entirely unique, your surgeon will meet with you to assess the results of your initial procedure and talk to you about what changes you would like and what can be achieved to address them. You must be sure to choose a surgeon who has experience and skill specifically in revision surgery. This will ensure that they are able to fully understand your concerns and the problems you have experienced, and they will know the best techniques to ensure that they are resolved, leaving you finally feeling confident in your appearance. 


How Can I Avoid a Bad Facelift?


The best way to avoid any sort of bad cosmetic surgery is to do extensive research before you commit to using a specific surgeon. This doesn’t just mean acting on recommendations and online reviews, but carefully checking their credentials, visiting their practice, and seeing true examples of the work that they have performed in the past. Only then can you be certain that you are in safe hands for your surgery. 



For more information on cosmetic surgery procedures gone wrong, including bad facelifts, and to find out more about what can be done to correct such a situation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced and discreet cosmetic surgery team in San Antonio, TX. 


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