What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Eyelid Surgery?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Eyelid Surgery?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Eyelid Surgery?

What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is used to tighten the skin and soft tissues of the eyelids in order to make them smoother and more youthful in appearance. In some instances, patients may have such droopy eyelids that they obscure their vision, and, in this case, blepharoplasty is as functional as it is cosmetic.

For more patients, excessive eyelid skin occurs as a result of the natural aging process. As we get older, the skin loses its elasticity and no longer adheres as tightly to the contours of the face as it once did. When this happens, it begins to droop and sag, causing us to look older. Sun damage and habits such as smoking can accelerate this process, sometimes so much so that we look significantly older than we really are. Excess eyelid skin can also be caused by a trauma to the eyelid, an underlying medical condition, or even be a result of your genes.

Eyelid surgery is usually very simple and straightforward. You may be able to have the procedure under local anesthetic, although some patients prefer to be put to sleep. You should also be able to go home the same day. Once you are anesthetized, your surgeon will make a cut in the natural skin crease of the upper eyelid, or below your eyelashes in your lower lid. Any excess fat and skin are removed, and the wound is closed using sutures. Nevertheless, despite being a simple procedure, there are plenty of people who experience what can only be described as a ‘bad’ eyelid surgery each year.

What are the signs of a bad eyelid surgery?

There is a range of things that can potentially go wrong if your eyelid surgery is performed by someone without the necessary skill and experience, or if they don’t pay adequate care and attention when carrying out the procedure. Some of the most common signs of bad eyelid surgery include:


  • Droopy eyelids. This can happen if your surgeon hasn’t removed enough skin or fat from the eyelids during your surgery, or if the muscle that lifts the eyelid hasn’t been tightened sufficiently.

  • The unsatisfactory shape of the eyelids. If the amount of skin that is removed is too much or too little, it can cause the shape of the eye to become distorted, giving you an unnatural look.

  • Your eyelids look asymmetrical. This can affect the symmetry of your overall face and give you an unsatisfactory appearance.

  • Difficulty opening and closing your eyes. If too much skin is removed from the upper eyelids, patients may not be able to fully shut their eyes – something which is extremely uncomfortable.

  • Hollow areas under the eyes. If too much skin is removed from the lower eyelids, it can create a hollow area under the eyes that make you look unwell.

What can I do if I have had a bad eyelid surgery?

If you are unhappy with the results of your eyelid surgery, you may be a good candidate for a revision procedure. Blepharoplasty revision surgery aims to correct the identified issues so that your eyelids look natural, are comfortable, and leave you feeling happy about the way that you look.  

How can I avoid a bad eyelid surgery?

The best way to avoid any bad cosmetic surgery, including blepharoplasty, is to do your research before you commit to a surgeon and a procedure. There are countless cosmetic surgeons offering their services in the United States, but their experience, skill, and the quality of the care that they deliver can vary considerably.  


When you are looking for a cosmetic surgeon to perform your eyelid surgery, you should look at:

  • Where they received their education and training, to make sure that their certifications are legitimate.

  • Whether they are members of any board or other professional organization, which shows that they can perform treatment that reaches the exemplary standards required by the board.

  • What percentage of the surgeries they perform are eyelid surgeries?  

  • Their online reviews.

  • Examples of their work.


Make sure you then take the time to meet with them to discuss your case and find out more about what you can expect from your eyelid surgery.

If you have had bad eyelid surgery and you would like advice about what to do next, don’t hesitate to speak to our experienced and knowledgeable revision surgery team.


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