Tips for Post-Male Gynecomastia Surgery

Tips for Post-Male Gynecomastia Surgery

Tips for Post-Male Gynecomastia Surgery

Tips for Post-Male Gynecomastia Surgery

Excess male breast tissue is a fairly common occurrence. Known as gynecomastia, exactly what causes it can vary between men, but often excess weight, advancing age, hormonal changes and side effects of medication are at least partly to blame. Unfortunately, ‘man boobs’ is often treated as something of a joke, and many men who suffer from gynecomastia find themselves at the receiving end of banter and teasing about their figure. Whether you show it or not, you wouldn’t be alone in experiencing a loss of confidence, low self-esteem and even feeling depressed about the appearance of your chest.

If you have excess male breast tissue that is making you uncomfortable, embarrassed or even depressed, then you may have decided to under male gynecomastia surgery. This is surgery to remove excess breast tissue and create a more defined and masculine chest shape.

Male gynecomastia surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. Nevertheless, you will still need to ensure that you take time to allow your body to heal and recover. Not only will this help to reduce the risk of post-operative complications, but it will also ensure that you achieve the best possible results from your procedure.

Here are our top tips for post male gynecomastia surgery.

Schedule enough time away from work

While it may be a minimally-invasive procedure, you are still undergoing surgery. One of the biggest mistakes made by patients is rushing back to work when they should still be resting and healing. Your surgeon will tell you exactly how long you should take off from work based on your type of work. However, typically you can expect to go back to a sedentary job around three days after surgery, and a physical job within two weeks. It is imperative that you follow the advice given to you by your surgeon.

Rest, but stay mobile

Plenty of rest is advised after any type of surgery, but this doesn’t mean you should lay in bed all day. Your surgeon will advise that you get up and walk around for around 10-15 minutes every hour. This will promote proper blood circulation which is crucial for healing and help prevent blood clots from forming. When you do lay down, keep yourself propped at a 45-degree angle on your back for at least the first few days.

Take medication as prescribed

You will likely be in some discomfort after your surgery, and your surgeon will give you medication to help manage your pain. You should take this as directed rather than wait until you are in too much discomfort to function properly. Taking your medication on the prescribed schedule will help prevent the pain from becoming too severe. It may also need to be timed to fit with or around meals to be effective. If you are also prescribed antibiotics, take these are instructed and ensure you finish the entire course.

Wear the appropriate dressings

Immediately after your surgery and for around the first 24-48 hours, you will have bandages over your chest as well as a compression garment. These are essential for healing and to help manage swelling and inflammation which is a normal side effect from male gynecomastia surgery. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding how long you should wear these and if/when you should change them.

Stay hydrated and eat healthy, nutritious meals

Your surgeon will advise you to drink plenty of fluids during your recovery as this will help battle inflammation and keep your body functioning properly. You should also opt for healthy, nutritious meals as they will aid healing and help you to manage your weight. Putting on excess weight during the recovery period could potentially cause you to develop excess breast tissue again, rendering your procedure pointless.

Quit smoking

Smoking inhibits the body’s ability to heal properly since nicotine restricts nutritional blood flow to the skin where it is needed. Your health will benefit hugely if you can quit smoking, so stub out those cigarettes before you undergo your gynecomastia procedure.

Listen to your surgeon

The most important thing to remember is to follow the advice given to you by your surgeon. You will be given very clear instructions regarding the things that you should and shouldn’t do during your recovery period, and these should be strictly adhered to. If you have any questions about any aspect of your recovery, or if you are concerned that something isn’t right, you shouldn’t hesitate in speaking to your surgeon as soon as possible.

If you would like more advice about male gynecomastia surgery, please don’t hesitate to speak to our discreet and knowledgeable cosmetic surgery team in San Antonio, TX.


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