The Before, During, and After of Facelifts

The Before, During, and After of Facelifts

The Before, During, and After of Facelifts

The Before, During, and After of Facelifts

A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps create a youthful appearance by reducing folds and sagging skin. The procedure can contour or change the shape of the face. During the procedure, surgeons pull back skin from either side of the face. They then surgically alter the tissues under the skin to give a youthful look. The flap is then sutured to close it before removing the excess skin. 


Why Facelifts Are Performed

A facelift is done to alter the shape and appearance of the face, getting rid of age-related changes. The procedure does not remove wrinkles, fine lines, or damage caused by sun exposure. There are other cosmetic procedures to address those issues. 

During the surgery, surgeons will often perform a neck lift to reduce sagging skin and fat deposits on the neck. A facelift helps reduce sagging in the cheeks and excess skin along the jawline. It also reduces the fold of skin between the side of the nose and the mouth. 


Before the Facelift

You will receive instructions before the procedure. These will include the medications that you need to stop taking and how to clean your face before the procedure. Talk to your doctor about any changes or adjustments to your medications. On the day of surgery, you may need to use germicidal soap to wash your face and hair. 

You should avoid eating the day of the facelift, but you can drink water and take any approved medications. You should make transport arrangements after surgery and have someone stay with you the first night.


During the Facelift

The facelift may be performed in an outpatient surgical clinic or a hospital. The procedure may be performed with local anesthesia and sedation, but sometimes general anesthesia is recommended. A facelift involves tightening the skin and the underlying muscles and tissues. 

The facial fat may be removed, sculpted, or redistributed during the procedure. The skin is then draped over the re-sculptured facial contour before the excess skin is removed and the wound closed. The type of incisions used will depend on the patient’s requirements.


After the Facelift

After the facelift procedure, most patients experience mild or moderate pain. There may also be some drainage from the surgical incisions, bruising, slight swelling, and numbness. It is important to contact the doctor immediately if you have severe pain or shortness of breath. Other symptoms to look out for are chest pain and irregular heartbeat. 

After the procedure, the surgeon will cover the incisions with bandages that apply gentle pressure to reduce bruising and swelling. A small tube may be inserted under the skin to drain any excess fluid or blood.


Follow-up Appointments

You will have follow-up appointments in the next two months after the facelift. The first will be on the day after the surgery. The surgeon is likely to remove the drainage tube during then. 

The surgeon will apply an antibiotic ointment on the incisions before placing new bandages. Two or three days after the facelift, the surgeon may replace the bandages with an elasticized face sling. The stitches will be removed after a week.

Take your prescribed pain medication as directed by the doctor. Applying cool packs can reduce swelling and ease the pain. 

To know more about facelifts, visit Texas Plastic Surgery at our office in San Antonio, Texas. You can call 210.981.4490 today to schedule an appointment.


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