Removing Excess Breast Tissue in Males With Gynecomastia

Removing Excess Breast Tissue in Males With Gynecomastia

Removing Excess Breast Tissue in Males With Gynecomastia

Removing Excess Breast Tissue in Males With Gynecomastia

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons acknowledges how gynecomastia can affect men. The embarrassment and shame can be unbearable for most of them. That is why they want to have surgery for gynecomastia. If you want to know the basics of removing excess breast tissue in men with gynecomastia, here’s what you should know.


The Basics of Gynecomastia


Gynecomastia is a health condition involving the enlargement of the breast tissue in males. It often onsets during puberty as hormonal levels increase. This leads to large breast tissue in males. In some cases, the breast tissue decreases in size after puberty. But for many, the enlarged breast tissue lingers throughout adulthood.


Many things cause gynecomastia. For some, it is puberty and steroid use. Others develop it due to cannabis use and excessive weight gain. Taking certain medications can also cause this condition.


Gynecomastia Surgery


This type of surgery can reduce the size of male breasts. It can flatten the chest and even improve the contours of the chest muscles. Severe gynecomastia can cause your breast to sag. It can stretch the areola as well. The doctor will need to reposition and resize the areola. The procedure can also remove excess skin. This type of surgery is also called reduction mammaplasty.


Ideal Candidates


Adolescent males can have this type of surgery. They can regain their confidence and eliminate shame. Secondary surgery may be necessary in the future if the breast tissue continues to develop. Below are the ideal male candidates for gynecomastia surgery:


  • Those who do not consume alcohol and recreational drugs.
  • Men who feel that their breasts are large.
  • Those with stable breast tissue.
  • Men whose enlarged breast tissue cannot decrease through alternative treatments.
  • Those with realistic expectations.
  • Men without any life-threatening conditions.
  • Those with normal weight and health.
  • Men who want to improve gynecomastia symptoms.


The Procedure


Proper diagnosis will confirm the presence of enlarged breast tissue and rule out breast cancer. The doctor will perform liposuction to remove the excess fat from the breast area. Then, the doctor will cut along the areola’s margin. This will be the opening for removing excess glandular breast tissue.


You should stop taking blood-thinning medications about a week before your surgery. Eating healthy foods and taking supplements will improve your ability to heal after the procedure. Quitting tobacco and alcohol consumption can also improve your ability to recover. The surgery will need general anesthesia. Drains are necessary to prevent fluid collection in the breast area. Compression vests and ice compress can help control bruising, pain, and swelling.


The Recovery


Patients who only had liposuction can return to their routine and work after about a week. Those who need the removal of breast tissue will need two to four weeks of recovery. The healing depends on the degree of surgery. It also depends on the patient’s ability to recover.


Gynecomastia can crush a man’s confidence. Removing excess breast tissue can help male patients live their lives without shame. At Texas Plastic Surgery, we always guide our patients before, during, and after their procedures.

You can visit Texas Plastic Surgeryin San Antonio, Texas, for an in-person consultation. Please call us at 210-981-4490 for appointment scheduling or inquiries about our gynecomastia surgery packages.


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