Bad Lip Injections: What to do after?

Bad Lip Injections: What to do after?

Bad Lip Injections: What to do after?

Bad Lip Injections: What to do after?

Over the last decade, the desire for fuller, plumper pouts has grown at an exponential rate. As a result, an increasing number of cosmetic surgeons and esthetic clinics are now offering lip fillers – an injectable treatment that sees a dermal filler placed into the lips to increase their size. Today, lip injections are one of the most common minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments and are widely available across the country.


There may be lots of people who now offer lip injections, but not everyone who provides this treatment necessarily has the skill and experience to carry out the procedure to the highest standards. In fact, anyone can legally administer dermal fillers, including those which are used in the lips. Unfortunately, bad lip injections aren’t uncommon. Here’s what you need to know about some of the most common problems associated with bad lip injections and what you can do if you are affected.

What can go wrong with lip injections?

There are a variety of different things that can go wrong with lip injections. It could be that your provider doesn’t have the necessary skill and experience to perform the treatment correctly, or that they simply didn’t pay due care and attention when administering the fillers.


Some of the most common signs of bad lip injections include the following:


Bruising. Bruising is one of the most common complications that occur when lip fillers go wrong. It happens when the needle accidentally punctures larger blood vessels within the lips. A little bruising following lip injection is normal, but if you have a considerable degree of bruising, it could be that your provider hasn’t used skill or judgment when administering the treatment. In some cases, a haematoma may develop, which causes a firm mass under the skin. This can potentially become infected and cause damage to surrounding tissue and nerves.


Lumpiness. Uneven, lumpy lips are a common sign of bad lip fillers. They usually occur for one of several reasons. The technique used by your provider could be incorrect, or a filler with too much viscosity has been used. In some cases, lumpiness can occur as a result of an allergic reaction.


Necrosis of the lip tissue. This is the most serious complication arising from bad lip injections and refers to the death of the tissues. Necrosis is normally caused by an obstruction of a blood vessel, and this prevents vital oxygenated blood and nutrients from reaching the tissues. Necrosis presents with symptoms including severe pain and whitening or purple discoloration of the lip tissue. Urgent treatment is necessary to avoid permanent scarring and disfigurement.

Can you fix bad lip fillers?

If you have had bad lip fillers, an experienced cosmetic surgeon who has experienced in correctional surgery may be able to correct them. Exactly how this can be achieved will depend exactly on the problems that you have experienced. However, some of the options to correct bad lip injections that your cosmetic surgeon may recommend include:

-       Massaging the lips to remove lumpiness and ensure even dispersal of the filler (must be done by a cosmetic surgeon).

-       Dissolving the original lip fillers.

-       Waiting for the product to dissolve naturally over time (if the only option).

How to avoid bad lip injections

The best way to avoid bad lip injections is to make sure that you choose a trained, experienced, and reputable cosmetic surgeon to carry out your treatment. Do your research before scheduling your appointment and find out how many lip fillers they perform each year and what past patients have to say about them. When you have your consultation, your surgeon should be happy to show you before and after photographs of their work so that you can see their previous results for themselves. They should also put you at ease and be able to competently answer any questions that you have.


For more advice on how to deal with bad lip injections, don’t hesitate to speak to our experienced cosmetic surgery team today.


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